We have a passionate team of engineers and scientists from all over the world, focused on developing cutting-edge Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth, low-power, AIoT solutions. We have created the popular ESP8266, ESP32, ESP32-S and ESP32-C series of chips, modules and development boards.
141 Projects

Esp32 Breakout Board

Esp32cam Pan And Tilt Using Facial Tracking

Creating A Wireless Network With Esp32 Ap Mode

How To Make Simple Nodemcu Robotic Car

Micromote: The Esp-now Based Gesture Remote

Programming Propane: Espnow And Fire Shooting Walkway Lights

Visual Gesture Controlled Iot Car

Fixing Galaga

Measure Angles With Mpu6050 And Esp32 (part 2): 3d Animation

How To Connect Mpu6050 To Esp32: Physical Setup And Code

How To Connect Bmp-280 To Esp32: Get Pressure & Temp

Node Red Controlled Web Led On Esp32 With Raspberry Pi 4
Arduino Nano Esp32 Handheld Gaming Console - It Plays Doom!

Crypto Mining With Esp32

Thinger. Io | Iot Platform Series - 9 🚀

M5stick C Captive Portal

Ble Spotify Controller - Unleash The Beat!